Tailored For Success Boots2Suits program and event a great success. TFS was acknowledged in an article in the Malden Advocate for their November event at the State House attended by Secretary Urena and Representative Steve Ultrino. TFS provided a forum, professional clothing and head shots for LinkedIn to several Veterans.
Check out the Malden Advocates article here.

Pictured here is our Executive Director Elizabeth Hart and David Hart with the Massachusetts Secretary of Veterans Affairs Francisco Urena!
Secretary Urena, thank you for your continuing support...and ideas for next year.
We cannot thank photographer Norman Jaillet enough for donating his time to support Veterans at Boots2Suits at the State House yesterday. These pictures (and smiles) speak volumes for the transformative effect of what Tailored For Success, Inc. does everyday.

The faces of some of our Veterans from yesterday's Tailored For Success, Inc. Boots2Suits event at the State House yesterday.
"This was a very rewarding and fulfilling day hearing their stories and watching their faces light up when they looked at their images. The guy in the top upper right looks just like Dr J, right," said Norman Jaillet.